Awesome Ideas To Create A Study Area For Children

Start the course! And with the return to school is the time to prepare the children’s study area. The desk, lamps, chair, and shelf will be your classmates at home. You and your little one will get tuition.Study Area For Children

Goodbye summer. Welcome to the routine. And with normality, comes one of the most anticipated moments for children: the return to school. It is time to prepare a place to study, do homework and homework. What if we accompany them in their new adventure with a study area to their measure?Study Area For Children

Success in school depends on the little ones in the house assume routines and have a quiet space, a place to concentrate, where to study and perform to the fullest. So when planning your study area you have to take into account aspects such as the smell of the walls, which favor their concentration; children’s desk the right size; the lamp that projects the right light; the chair; the organization of space depending on whether it is for one or shared …

What furniture cannot miss in the children’s study corner?Study Area For Children

The most important furniture is the desk in a size appropriate to the child’s age. There are so many models to choose from! From a table size XS in which the little ones will get used to coloring up to larger desks for those who start seriously to study.


Another option is the evolution tables, which grows with your little one, adapting in size. A secretary is also a good choice: everything is collected behind the trapdoor when you finish studying. And if you have limited space in your room, opt for a folding desk design, installed on the wall or attached to a bookcase or bed structure. This way you will have more space in the room to play!

An original proposal to make space profitable? Structures that elevate the mattress and create underneath a study area.Study Area For Children

A trick to decorating a children’s room, which will surely help the laziest children when it comes to sitting down to study: try not to see the bed directly from the table, so you will not have temptations to go to it.Study Area For Children

And to choose the chair you have to think about how many hours you will be sitting. The older ones will need ergonomic study chairs that ensure a correct posture, with or without wheels. The smaller ones, when not spending so many hours, have more freedom in terms of models.Study Area For Children


The lighting of the study area for children: natural and artificial light to study

The best location of the children’s desk in a room is near the window so that it receives natural light directly. But you should not miss a lamp that provides a spotlight to study on the study table. The most appropriate is an adjustable lamp, if possible a flexo with a spotlight and adjustable height. Did you know that if the child is right-handed the lamp should be on the left and if he is left-handed, to his right? This way you will not have annoying shadows as you type.

And do not just think about a table top. There are maxi foot designs that provide a decorative plus.Study Area For Children

A call to order! Furniture to organize the study area of children

Bookcases, shelves on the wall, a chest of drawers, even a trunk, are the allies of order. In this way books, papers, paintings, and their backpack will have a place to return to after the task of study.


Near the desk, a standing bookstore will do well to organize books, folders, and short stories. You can also take advantage of the wall to place shelves or storage cubes on the table. Combined with pictures or plates, there will be a corner of the magazine.Study Area For Children


Do you remember what divides and conquer? A drawer is perfect to have everything in place: pencils, watercolors, and paintings in a drawer; sheets and notebooks in another; the tablet and its charger in a third …

And let the backpack hang from a coat rack standing or on the wall or inside a trunk or chest, where you can store other objects of the greater size of your little one.Study Area For Children

A color palette that helps concentration

It is about creating a quiet space in which you can concentrate. For this, the colors play an important role, pure chromotherapy! Color influences our personality and mood so we are going to use it to help study children.

The most important thing is that the neutral tones predominate: white and sands, which transmit serenity and bring luminosity. Thus, as a base, white or wood furniture in natural tones. And reserve the pinch of color for accessories and accessories.Study Area For Children


The most recommended colors are:

Green, which conveys serenity. It evokes nature and life, so it reduces stress and strengthens safety.

Blue, the transmitter of serenity and tranquility. It facilitates concentration. Perhaps it is one of the most used colors in children’s rooms, in all its shades.Study Area For Children

The range of roses and mauves, linked with creativity and fantasy. Promotes communication.

Yellow, the color of intelligence. It promotes mental activity, creativity, and vitality.


And if after reading this article you think that also your work area (that of the elderly!) Needs a change, do not miss these charming offices.

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