Easiest Tips for Painting Popcorn Ceilings

Before Painting Popcorn Ceilings, it might be a good idea to clear as much furniture from the room as possible.


Things that are too heavy or awkward to move should be covered with plastic so paint won’t get on them. Choosing the right paint is important, and acrylic paints are not recommended. People who have experience with a paint sprayer may want to use one to do this job. If a paint gun is not used, a coarse paintbrush might work better than a roller brush.

Paint can splatter and run when people are Painting Popcorn Ceilings.

Painting Popcorn Ceilings.

For this reason, it is a good idea to remove as much furniture as possible from the room being painted. In the event some items cannot be moved, they should nonetheless be covered with heavy plastic or a tarp to keep them from being damaged. It is also a good idea to cover the floors with a drop cloth to speed cleanup later.

Using the right paint can make the job go smoother. A good quality latex paint is normally recommended. Acrylic paint can sometimes cause the texture to peel or tear, so it is not advisable to use this type of paint. If acrylic paint is used, it might need to be thinned with water first.

Using the right paint can make the job go smoother. A good quality latex paint is normally recommended


A paint sprayer can help complete this job quicker and with less mess. An airless model paint gun is normally ideal for Painting Popcorn Ceilings. It is important to use the right tip so the equipment doesn’t leave runs on the ceiling. People who are not sure which tip to use should ask a professional painter for advice.

If the job is completed by hand, it is best to use a paintbrush rather than a roller. This is because a paint roller can cause paint to splatter and might also cover the ceiling unevenly. A wide paintbrush with coarse fibers is generally recommended for painting popcorn ceilings. Sponge-type paintbrushes may tear or smear the paint.

Using the right paint can make the job go smoother. A good quality latex paint is normally recommended

While popcorn ceilings can add visual interest to a room, they can often be difficult to keep freshly painted. People who are thinking about completing this home improvement project should plan on purchasing the right paint and equipment to do the job properly. They may also want to allow more time to do this than other painting projects. These efforts can be rewarded with a brightened room for many years to come.

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