The Foyer Flooring Ideas is your home’s sneak preview and says a lot about the rest of your home.

The foyer is the first room that your visitors see, so it serves as a preview of the rest of your home. Whatever else your foyer does — such as offering a place to plunk down car keys or hang up a coat — it’s primarily the welcoming point for friends and family, and it should appear both stylistically consistent with your home and as inviting as possible. Everything in this important home interior design, including flooring, should draw in guests and contribute to the impression that they will enjoy their stay.
Choosing the Right Foyer Flooring Ideas

Classic Black and White Elegance
Not many Foyer Flooring Ideas offer the elegance of black and white tiles. Whether in a traditional checkerboard design, arranged diagonally or in a more unusual pattern, such as stripes or a single-color block with a wall-hugging contrasting frame, the starkness of white against black offers high visual contrast that complements any color and almost every decorating scheme, from elaborate Victorian to Modernist polished chrome and vinyl. Additionally, clean, polished tile looks elegant.

Natural Stone
Stone tiles come in many colors, grains and textures, but for a refined look without pretentiousness, choose naturally textured limestone. For elegance that also says “welcome,” use warm, soft, ivory-colored limestone or honey-colored sandstone tiles. In small foyers, set large tiles on the diagonal to visually expand the space. Further extend lines using half-height tiles as the baseboard. These Foyer Flooring Ideas complements earthy-colored wall and trim colors, light golden-colored woods like pine or maple and natural fabrics. A good choice for a contemporary home with an organic, earthy feel, these stones are susceptible to staining, but with care, they can last a long time.

Wood and Carpet
Wood is always an elegant choice for flooring, especially when it’s oiled and hand-rubbed to a satiny sheen. Leave the high-gloss, polyurethane look behind for a traditional look. Wood grain stands out with penetrating finishes, and when burnished, it almost glows from within, but synthetic polymer coatings coat and cover up the inherent beauty of the grain, rendering the surface slick and plastic-like instead of natural. Top a hand-polished floor with a well-made Turkish carpet or another hand-woven rug, such as one with a Native American design, for extra warmth and appeal. By itself, wood pairs well with most decor, from rustic to contemporary.
Elegantly Green
For the environmentally minded, foyer flooring ideas might include bamboo planks and tiles, cork and compacted dirt or adobe floors, all of which are durable, beautiful and sustainable. With the proper finish, all these choices present the kind of elegance that comes from purity of form and function rather than showiness. Bamboo resembles wood, but it’s harder and more insect-resistant, lasts longer than wood, and is appropriate anywhere you would use wood. Cork is renewable, warm and does not kill trees, while traditional adobe or dirt floors complement Southwestern styles of all eras.