Laundry represents an integral part of everyone’s life as wearing dirty clothes is both unhygienic, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. Have you ever given a thought to how laundry was done back in the days before laundry rooms in homes became popular? During those times, clothes were taken to the stream or nearby flowing water and beaten against rocks or stones to remove all dirt after which they would be squeezed to remove excess water and then dried in the sun.
This method usually takes a whole day of labor as most houses do not have plumbing facilities at the time. However, communal washhouses started springing up in cities where heated water and scrub boards were used in washtubs and this helped remove stains and dirt faster. Later on, a device for easy removal of water before drying was invented called the hand-cranked mangle.
Due to the lack of in-house plumbing at the time, laundry activities could not be done in the house. As civilization evolved, indoor plumbing became possible and electricity had been invented at the time so electric clothes washers were getting produced. By 1937, the first electric clothes washer appeared on the market. It was automatic and also by the following year, electric dryers also got into the market. The advent of electric clothes washers made it necessary for homes to create a space where laundry could be done in the house.
However, many houses in existence at that time were not built with the thought that laundry would later become an indoor activity. Therefore, rooms with enough water and electricity supply became the laundry room.
At the time, the kitchen fit into this description so the machines were installed there. Later on, when new houses were designed after World War II, the kitchen was no longer the laundry room choice but the basement. Due to the noise that emanated from the early washing machines, it was important to keep the noise away from other living areas so the basement served this purpose.
With the production of more quiet washing machines, laundry was slowly moved into the main living area with a whole room dedicated to it. A common design in present-day houses is to combine the laundry room with an entryway or mudroom which connects the main house to the garage. This design helps to manage space in modern houses. However, another recent trend is to have the laundry room in the main house and it is usually close to the master bedroom for easy access. In house designs other than bungalows where rooms are located upstairs, the laundry room is usually found on the first floor.
Having the laundry room on the main floor level makes it a vital part of the house therefore it should be designed accordingly. Although due to the workload that comes with doing the laundry even with machines, some people might not really be concerned about what the laundry room in their homes looks like as long as they get their laundry done. However, adding some spice, color, and decor to the laundry room can make it come alive and even make it suitable for having conversations with your partner or guest while folding clothes. This being said, the choice of decor that goes into the laundry room is largely dependent on the personality of the homeowner.
The first and probably the most important decor done in the laundry room should be the painting. Nobody looks forward to laundry time as it is a stressful chore even with automatic machines around, however, painting the room beautifully makes the chore something we look forward to. Even laundry folding becomes a great experience when the laundry room gives off soothing vibes.

Choosing the Perfect Laundry Room Color
A lot of people think their laundry room walls should have the same color as the rest of their homes. However, there is no rule that says this should be the standard. some homeowners also believe their laundry room should be painted white. Again, there is no rule suggesting this. When choosing a laundry room color, you should go for something you won’t get tired of as a lot of time will be spent in the laundry room. You can also experiment with different colors to see what works best for you. It was stated earlier that the laundry room color should reflect one’s personality so it can produce the desired effect. For example, for someone whose daily routine is somewhat stressful, colors like gray, blue, or brown will have a calming effect on them thereby setting a relaxing atmosphere while loading clothes in the washer or folding laundry. People who like being outdoors can go for colors that make you think of the landscape outside. A nature lover can opt for green or soft brown as it brings up images of trees and being in the woods. Someone who is fascinated by summer can paint their laundry room yellow or orange as it signifies the sun. Painting the laundry room based on what an individual like makes laundry less of a chore and the room becomes inviting. Neutral colors work for people with strict personality as it gives an aura of organization and cleanliness. However, there are certain hues known to create a beautiful and inviting aura in a laundry room. Some of these colors are:
This works best for creating a soothing aura in the laundry room. A great idea is to start with a white background and then add aqua as an overlay. The white tone reflects light well while aqua reminds one of the blue oceans and also makes the room appear larger. Both the walls or cabinets can be painted in aqua; another idea is to add splashes of blue here and there in form of flowers and jars to make the color scheme more soothing.

Mint Green
For nature lovers, environmentalists, and spa lovers, this color helps to feel like you are outdoors in the woods and also creates a soothing effect in the laundry room. Adding patterned wallpaper keeps it from looking too simple and plain and having white or grey cabinets helps give the room a classic style.

Grey is an all-time winner when it comes to house painting and the laundry room is no exception. It gives the laundry room a larger than normal size and at the same time, a cozy effect. Pairing it with white cabinets helps to tone it down and provides a contrast with the grey color. A dash of yellow can also be added to the mix to give the room a cheery note. Having a neutral color as a backdrop allows one to add in different colors and yellow is not an exception. It helps to create summer vibes and cheery notes. A yellow rug and wall hanging with yellow color are just enough to bring in the warm tone.
This neutral hue also gives a soothing vibe thereby making it easy to meditate while folding laundry. Pairing it with white helps to reflect light in the room and also makes it appear larger.
Black and white
The timeless color combination is not only efficient but it is one of the best you could ever have. You can never go wrong with it. You can either start with white walls and then add black shelves or if you want something more dramatic, start with black walls, give it a matte finish with white trim and then install white cabinets. A more elegant look can be achieved by adding golden hardware to the picture and then relaxing the look with patterned flooring. This color combination gives the room a modern look and a dash of drama.

Pink and white
To create a girlie laundry room, pink is a go-to color as it gives off girlie vibes. You can start with a white background and then throw in pink accents subtly. This can be achieved by painting the door pink so it stands out and becomes the focal point in the laundry room. Girlie wall arts and flowers can make the room more appealing to the women of the household.
Floral and white
For a cheerier atmosphere in the room, floral painting or wallpaper is the best to go for. Floral paintings represent a powerful spirit so if you are looking for this kind of vibe just go for it. Add whit shelves to the mix to make it look even better. Pink curtains and wall arts can also lift the cheery mood of the room more.
If you are looking for a bright color that will make you feel warm and comfortable while doing laundry then yellow is a perfect choice. It gives off a joyful vibe every time you are in the laundry room thereby keeping you happy and productive. It can be accentuated by adding white or grey shelves as they blend well with the color. A few wall-art can also be added to make the room even cheerier.