Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

From this article you can find out which is better to choose wallpaper for living room: a photo with the recommendations of experts, the most popular styles and tips for creating them, fashion ideas of the last year and an unusual approach to using wall decoration. We will consider in detail the basic principles of the selection and combination of materials and colors, as well as additional components of the situation.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Wallpaper in the living room can transform the interior, making the room cozy and harmonious

What wallpaper to choose for the living room: the principles of working with space

The room of any living room, regardless of its design, is divided into sections. Even in the photo of the wallpaper in the living room in Khrushchev, this trend is clearly traced, despite the small size of such rooms.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

In order to make the room look harmonious, when choosing wallpapers, you should adhere to the rules for combining colors in the interior


The space is divided into functional zones:

  • place for eating;
  • space for relaxation with a TV;
  • space for doing other things, such as a place for board games or a computer.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Textile textured wallpaper is often used to decorate a living room.

Therefore, you need to plan the design and select the wallpaper based on this separation. One part of the living room can be decorated with bright wallpapers that will appeal to children, the other in neutral colors, for example, with beige or gray trim, to create a comfortable relaxation area for senior family members. Even the use of photo wallpaper is allowed. The main thing is that the family comes to an agreement, and the end result looks harmonious.

What wallpaper to glue the living room: photos of interiors with a successful design

To determine which wallpaper is better to choose for the living room, you need to take into account the operating conditions of the room.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


When choosing wallpaper in neutral shades, the interior should be varied with color details and furniture

When choosing a material, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • level of natural light;
  • structural features of the room (the shape of the room, its dimensions, the presence of arches, niches, ledges);
  • ceiling height;
  • the number and nature of the placement of windows, their size and shape.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

An example of the successful use of wallpaper for decoration accent wall in the living room

Helpful advice! In rooms with a low level of natural light, experts recommend using light and saturated shades of wallpaper, for example, the color of the sea wave, grassy, lemon, white. In this case, you can make one wall lemon, and the remaining surfaces – white. It would be interesting to look at the option of decorating the walls in the color of a sea wave, and to paste one of them with photo wallpaper.


If the room has a niche of a sufficiently large size, the area inside it can be supplemented:

  • TV
  • electric fireplace;
  • coffee table, etc.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

An example of the right combination of wallpaper color with other interior details

In this case, the space inside the niche should be highlighted using wallpaper that has a color different from the rest of the wall decoration. You can use photo wallpaper, but you need to clearly calculate the size.

It is not recommended to buy decoration with a large pattern, if the design of wallpaper for the living room in Khrushchev is selected, photos of interiors with small patterns or monophonic canvases look more organically. In addition, large decorative elements will visually reduce the already small room. For this option, the room is suitable for decoration in bright colors. In some cases, a combination of dark and light colors is also possible.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


When choosing a pattern on the wallpaper, you should consider the size of the room

The network often contains photos of striped wallpaper in the interior of the living room. With this design, you can visually raise the level of low ceilings. For these purposes, trim with vertical stripes is suitable.

Which wallpaper is better vinyl or non-woven: an economic approach to the choice of decoration

The most beautiful options for wallpaper for the living room are considered expensive finishes with excellent characteristics and a beautiful decorative component.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Floral pattern on the wallpaper is used for interior design in the style of Provence and country.


These materials include products of the following types:

  • cullets (from 800 to 16,000 rubles / roll);
  • textile (from 5000 to 7800 rubles / roll.);
  • Wallpaper made of exotic materials (from 1000 to 25000 rubles / roll.).Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

The modern method of wall decoration is a combination of two different types of wallpaper in one room

Canvases of photo wallpaper on the walls also look attractive, the price of 3D coating varies in the range from 1000 to 2500 rubles. per 1 m², so these products can not be classified as budget materials.

The cheapest finish option is paper wallpaper. In order to save, they can be combined with coatings made from exotic raw materials. For example, using a bamboo finish, decorate the central wall with a TV, paste the remaining surfaces with paper material.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


Using wallpaper for painting will achieve the maximum desired shade of the walls

Using liquid wallpaper for Venetian plaster, you can not only decorate the walls of the living room in a classic style, but also effectively mask all defects and bumps on the walls, which significantly affects the price of this coating – 1100-13000 rubles / roll.

How to choose a living room design. Important details of the design of the living room – footage, light, space, a palette of colors, decor. Modern and classic interiors.

The most practical and optimal types of wallpaper in the middle price category are vinyl and non-woven. Their price slightly exceeds the cost of paper paintings, while these materials are characterized by a higher level of wear resistance.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


Large-sized wallpaper is recommended for wall decoration in medium to large rooms.

Helpful advice! The painted wallpaper looks great in the photo in the interior of the living room, which can be either vinyl or non-woven. These materials have a special texture and make it possible to combine the colors of the walls, therefore, it is very convenient to use them to create an unusual design. Quality coatings can be repainted 10 to 15 times without updating the base.

Consider the main differences between non-woven wallpaper for walls and vinyl:

  • non-woven products are made from natural raw materials, based on vinyl materials – synthetics, so they do not let air through;
  • non-woven wallpaper is fixed on the wall treated with glue, while vinyl ones require the application of adhesive on the canvas and exposure for 5 minutes;
  • vinyl coatings are cheaper than non-woven;
  • the color scheme and decorative design of vinyl wallpaper is much richer;Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

An example of a beautiful room decoration in one color scheme

  • the surface of the non-woven material cannot be wetted, while at the same time it is allowed to wash high-quality vinyl wall-paper on the non-woven basis of Italy, Germany, England and other countries made using advanced technologies;
  • products with a vinyl layer do not support combustion, are not afraid of mechanical and UV effects.

Given the above characteristics, we can confidently say that non-woven coverings are suitable for the living room, bedroom and children’s room, and vinyl wallpapers are best used for wall decoration in the kitchen, living roomway and bathroom.

Tips for choosing wallpaper in the living room: photos of interiors in different styles

Having decided on the wallpaper material, you can proceed to the design of the room. Interior design of the living room is a rather difficult task, requiring an original and at the same time serious approach. In order not to miss any of the nuances, it is better to draw up a plan for the future situation in advance and select finishes, furniture and accessories in accordance with it. When buying additional interior components, it is very important to maintain harmony and unity of style.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Photo wallpaper is a modern and popular way of decorating the walls of the room

For the living room, the following areas are most often used:

  • classic;
  • Art Nouveau;
  • high tech;
  • East style;
  • country;
  • minimalism.

Each of the listed styles makes certain demands regarding the decorative design of the decoration and its color scheme.

The choice of wallpaper in the living room: a catalog with photo ideas for the interior in a classic style

Classic style is considered the most natural and neutral option for interior decoration in the living room. There are no bright and aggressive elements in this direction. The emphasis is on calm, harmony and comfort. Italian wallpapers in pastel colors look perfect on the photo in the interior of the living room.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Black and white wallpapers should be used with caution, since it is important not to overdo it with monochrome shades in the interior of the room

For the classic style, the following tones are suitable:

  • beige;
  • terracotta;
  • sand;
  • brown;
  • olive;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • light blue.

It will also be appropriate to use Damask wallpaper in the interior of the living room, photos of such rooms exude refinement, luxury and sophistication. Most often, plant patterns on these canvases are used to create accents, so it is recommended to select material in blue, black, pink, brown, blue or gray.

Helpful advice! To emphasize the beauty of damask patterns, experts recommend the use of slats with original carvings, moldings and baguettes.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

White walls can be correctly beaten by using wallpaper with a pattern to decorate one of the zones of the room

What to consider when choosing a wallpaper with damask:

  • rhythm of the pattern (pattern density);
  • size of decorative elements (canvases with large patterns are best used in spacious rooms);
  • for the classical style, optimal are considered patterns of warm and light shades, as well as patterns with gilding;
  • the use of dark wallpaper is permissible only in rooms with good lighting.

As a decor for the living room in a classic style, family photos, mirrors and paintings are suitable.

The choice of wallpaper for the living room: a photo of modern ideas for 2021 for the interior in modern style

To create a modern style, the presence of natural surfaces is mandatory:

  • skin
  • wood;
  • fur;
  • metal;
  • stone.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Wallpaper under a brick or natural concrete slab is used to design walls in the loft or modern style

In the photo of fashionable wallpaper for the living room in 2021, you can see very realistic imitations of these materials that organically fit in this direction. The main thing is not to overdo it with lines and shapes that should remain smooth and natural. For the Art Nouveau style, canvases decorated with plant motifs and patterns from the animal world are also suitable. The best option would be black and white wallpaper , as well as finishing in monochrome with gold elements.


The design of the wallpaper in the living room in the form of a mosaic looks very elegant and expressive in the photo. Combinations of patterns, shapes or colors in one composition will give the interior originality and originality. It is allowed to use wallpaper with polka dots and coatings with a pattern in the form of circles. Also, one should not forget that the Art Nouveau style is closely connected with art, therefore, the presence of modern paintings, installations and unusual furniture in the room’s atmosphere will not hinder.

Living room interior: modern ideas, photo of 2021 wallpaper for a high-tech room

The hi-tech trend is characterized by rigor and in a sense echoes the style of minimalism. The main emphasis in design is on functionality and practicality, so secret cabinets and hidden shelves should be present in the interior of the living room. This style involves the rational use of free living space, so it is recommended to select light shades of wallpaper that visually increase the size of the room.

The high-tech living room has simple architectural forms. Wall decoration should be as discreet as possible, using mostly plain wallpaper. Decoration of ceiling and wall surfaces with materials imitating stone, plastic and metal is allowed.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

An example of a successful combination of wallpaper and furniture in monochrome shades


Helpful advice! The presence of multi-level lighting will avoid the monotony of a laconic interior and place emphasis on the central elements of the situation.

Most often, the photo of the wallpaper in the high-tech living room is dominated by various shades of metallic, as well as beige, black, white, brown and sand. If the design of the room involves the use of contrasts, small inserts with a bright finish are allowed. For these purposes, bright blue, red, emerald green and sky blue shades can be used. It is desirable that the contrast overlap in color with accessories, but their presence in the interior should be minimal.

What wallpaper to choose in the living room: photos of interiors in the oriental style

The decor of the living room in oriental style always creates a cozy atmosphere filled with ethnic charm. For wall decoration it is better to use textile wallpapers of bright warm colors. The restrained notes of Japanese or, conversely, luxurious and vibrant elements of the Arabic style may be inherent in the eastern living room. A prerequisite is the use of expensive finishing materials. If the budget does not allow you to purchase textile wallpaper, you can use their cheaper imitation in the form of non-woven or vinyl paintings.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

To design an interior in an oriental style, you can use paintings with a bright, repeating ornament or wallpaper for painting


As a decoration for a living room in an oriental style, it is desirable to use wallpapers decorated with ethnic ornaments and patterns. The following colors are welcomed in the design of the paintings:

  • brick;
  • terracotta;
  • beige;
  • Orange.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

In order to get the best combination of different types of wallpaper in the living room, you should review the catalogs of offers from famous manufacturers before buying

The use of gilded trim will not hurt. Photos of modern wallpaper for the 2021 living room, decorated with screen drawings, look very colorful. Patterns can be purchased at a hardware store. Working with stencils is very easy. As a basis, monophonic wallpaper canvases are selected. Pictures can cover the entire perimeter of the room or as an accent to be present in certain areas.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Oriental style in the design of the living room involves the use of wallpaper in warm colors with gold or red ornaments.


What wallpaper is suitable for the living room: photos of country-style interiors

Rustic country style, like Provence, belongs to the traditional design. This direction is characterized by simplicity and dimensionality. These features are completely dependent on the wall decoration. Most often, the country style is used in wooden houses, but often it can be seen in the photo of the wallpaper in the room in the apartment, the decoration design in this case can be as follows:

  • plain fabrics of light shades, for example, olive, mint, blue, beige, lavender;
  • vertical stripes or cage;Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Black wallpaper with patterned motifs is better to combine with wall decoration in white

  • patterned floral motifs;
  • coatings stylized to natural surfaces (wood, stone, brick);
  • photo wallpaper with images of natural landscapes.

Helpful advice! It is advisable that the wallpaper be combined with beams or wood panels, textiles and curtains. Curtains can be colorful, but the general gamut of patterns on them should be muffled. For a country-style living room, it is advisable to purchase curtains made from natural materials: silk, linen, cambric, cotton or chintz.

Wallpaper for the living room: photos of modern interiors

If the furniture in the living room has a rich shade, and the floor is made in dark color, you need to choose a light finish for the walls. This will make it possible to lighten the interior. Dark floors visually reduce the level of ceilings. To correct this negative effect, you can paste wallpaper on the walls with stripes or ornament placed vertically.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


When designing a living room in one color scheme, it is worth diversifying the interior with wallpaper with a graphic, interesting pattern

Living rooms with light-colored floors practically do not impose restrictions on the use of decoration. In this case, you can use bright and dark wallpaper , plain or decorated with drawings of canvas. The color of the walls also affects the perception of the interior.

The influence of the colors of the walls in the living room on the mood:

Neutral Positively Negatively
silver lilac acid shades
white green the black
Gray blue red
pastel shades


The presence of light wallpaper in the living room: photo of the interiors

If the living room is small and looks northward with windows, it is strictly forbidden to use dark-colored wallpapers for decoration. In this case, it is better to pay attention to the light shades of the warm colors:

  • lactic;
  • cream color;Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Striped wallpapers can make the ceiling both higher and lower, so you should pay attention to the size of the room before stopping the choice on such a finish

  • Ivory;
  • light golden.

White wallpaper looks beautiful in the photo in the living room interior. However, the design of the room in this color must be selected very carefully and carefully. White wallpapers not only do not hide, but also emphasize all the shortcomings and irregularities of the walls. If, nevertheless, the choice fell on this particular color, before gluing the material you will have to align it well and prepare the base. Light-colored wallpapers are ideal for wall decoration in a compact living room in a minimalist style.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

An example of a beautiful combination of wallpaper with floral motifs in the decoration of the living room

To eliminate the effect of a confined and confined space, coatings with a shiny surface can be used. In the catalogs of fashionable wallpapers for walls in 2021, there are materials with a shine effect made by silk screen printing. Such coatings are called satin, their paintings have a gilded or silver sheen. It is not recommended to finish the wallpaper with silk effect around the entire perimeter, if the room is small. It will be enough to stick the canvas on the central wall.


Warm wallpaper in the interior of the living room: photos of beige, yellow, red and brown finishes.

The classic design option for the living room is beige color, which is considered a shade of aristocracy. The beige coating looks attractive in any light. To the interior, made in this color, does not look too pale and boring, it is recommended to use bright accents in the design.

Interesting fact! Beige walls promote relaxation, and also stimulate the development of analytical abilities, encourage experimentation and creativity.

Wallpapers in both brown and beige look successful in combination with other shades. The ideal option is to add white to the living room design.

The presence of bright lamps, paintings and accessories will dilute the brown interior.


Among the owners of apartments, it is relevant to use yellow wallpaper in the living room, photos of the interiors of 2021 reflect various variations of this shade: from bright yellow to mustard.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Proper use of striped wallpaper can visually expand the room.

The red living room can cause a dual sensation among residents. This shade is aggressive, but at the same time it is associated with passion and vitality. There is no definitive ban on the use of red in the interior, but you need to choose it very carefully.

An ideal option would be a red coating, decorated with golden or white flowers or patterns. You can focus on one wall and leave the rest of the surface white. If there is no desire to use pure white wallpaper, then red canvases can be combined with other patterned coatings.


What wallpaper is suitable for beige wallpapers: successful combinations

Beige wallpapers are universal and combine with many shades of the color palette:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • the black;
  • gold;
  • Gray;
  • cyan and blue;
  • green and light green;
  • red, pink, purple, raspberry.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Neutral hues emphasize the color scheme of furniture and decor in the living room

On the network you can find many photo ideas for the apartment, wallpaper for the living room in beige color in combination with a black tint, which allows you to create a dynamic interior.

Note! Do not bring too much black accents into the atmosphere, otherwise they will create the effect of shadows and have a negative impact on human vision.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


Using wallpaper, you can visually highlight and focus on a specific area of the living room

The combination of beige and golden colors is typical for living rooms made in the following styles:

  1. Romantic.
  2. Baroque.
  3. Classical.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Wallpaper can be successfully combined with other finishing materials, for example, wooden lining or decorative textured plaster

Due to spectacular overflows, the coating will attract glare of the sun, creating a beautiful composition on the walls. Beige and brown shades are related colors.


In this combination, the following decorative elements are allowed:

  • floristic patterns;
  • ornaments in classic design;
  • strict stripes.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design

Wallpaper with the image of bookshelves is a trend of 2021

Brown flowers or patterns on a beige background look very impressive in the interior. To create a relaxed atmosphere, a gray-beige finish is suitable, which can be combined with yellow or red present in the design of textiles or accessories.

Recently, designers have been striving to bring natural accents to the interior of the premises. You can achieve this result yourself by combining beige and green wallpapers. Using inserts of a dark green hue, you can balance the color of the room. The presence of light green color will emphasize the positivity and warmth of the environment.Wallpaper for the living room: photos of interiors with an interesting design


When choosing wallpaper, it is important to consider the quality and quantity of lighting in the living room

Having chosen the optimal color and style, you can create an excellent design of the living room, the key element of which will be the wallpaper. In some cases, you can use non-standard approaches. If the living room is combined with the bedroom or kitchen, you will have to take into account the operational and other requirements of both rooms, as well as find compromise solutions, both in color and in the choice of material, style. Provided that these spaces are correctly designed, the result will be impressive.

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